$20 Million Available for the Bringing Families Home Program
October 7, 2022 – The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) is pleased to announce the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Bringing Families Home (BFH) Program. This RFP makes available
$20 million of funding to registered non-profit organizations or joint ventures of non-profits in Los Angeles County to provide rapid re-housing, prevention, and legal services to families in the child welfare system who are homeless or facing housing
Assembly Bill 1603 (Chapter 25, Statutes of 2016) established the BFH Program and the Budget Act of 2021 appropriated an additional $92.5 million in General Funds for BFH available July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2024.
The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) received an allocation of $30,954,248 from this funding. The LACDA has been designated by DCFS to develop and administer this RFP and the agreements with the agencies to which
these funds will be awarded.
Since its implementation in January 2018, DCFS and the LACDA, in collaboration with housing partners, have successfully served over 800 families and 2,400 children under the BFH Program. Despite the challenges
to locate affordable housing for these high-barrier families in Los Angeles County, the continued success of the Program reflects the strong partnership and shared mission to reduce and prevent homelessness for families in the child welfare system
and ending homelessness in the community.
The RFP documents are available at: https://www.lacda.org/community-development/cdbg/bringing-families-home.
Applicants will have the opportunity to submit questions regarding the RFP during a mandatory virtual Proposer Conference to be held October 13, 2022, and via email to BFH-RFP@LACDA.org by 5:00 p.m. on October 18, 2022, using the subject line: “BFH RFP.” Please confirm participation to BFH-RFP@LACDA.org no later than October 12, 2022.
To access the virtual proposer’s conference, click here. Answers to all questions will be posted on the LACDA’s website at https://www.lacda.org/community-development/cdbg/bringing-families-home within 48 hours after submission.
The LACDA must receive all applications electronically by 4:00 p.m. on November 8, 2022.
Applicants must upload the application and all required documents to https://www.lacda.org/community-development/cdbg/bringing-families-home.
Hard copies will not be accepted.
For any questions regarding the RFP or additional information, please submit via e-mail to BFH-RFP@lacda.org using the subject line: “BFH RFP.”
Updated Instructions: To upload the documents, go to the LACDA’s website, www.lacda.org, and under “Vendors,” click on “View Open Solicitations.” Then select the RFP No. LACDA22-062 Bringing Families Home Rapid Rehousing, Prevention, and Legal Services and click “Upload Proposals,” and follow the registration and upload instructions. Once uploaded, the Proposer shall emailBFH-RFP@lacda.org to confirm the uploaded proposal.
Elisa Vasquez, PIO
700 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA 91801
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For more information on the LACDA’s programs, please view the agency’s brochure, LACDA Connected.