The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) is committed to building better lives for all residents, including people with special needs or disabilities. The HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program funds can be used to assist in the development and construction or renovation of special needs housing. In many cases, developers and operators of special needs housing are non-profit agencies that specialize in helping certain populations of people. The LACDA also works as a member of the Countyā€™s Special Needs Housing Alliance to continually improve the quantity and quality of special needs housing.


Through the Affordable Housing Trust, the LACDA has assisted in the development of assisted living options for persons with developmental disabilities. In collaboration with non-profit agencies and developers, the LACDA has worked to foster independence, personal growth, and to promote the opportunity for community integration based upon individual needs of adults with developmental disabilities. For direct housing assistance, persons with Developmental Disabilities may wish to contact the California Department of Developmental Services.

About 1,500 foster youth age out of the Los Angeles County child welfare system each year. Most have nowhere to turn for jobs, housing, higher education, or support. The Emancipated Foster Youth Transitional Housing program promotes the individual achievement of former foster youth by providing housing and support services.

To help promote individual achievement for emancipated foster youth, the LACDA has joined with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Los Angeles Department of Probation, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH), Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), and community non-profit organizations, to provide emergency shelter, transitional housing, and support services to emancipated foster youth.

What Is Transitional Housing for Former Foster Youth?
The goals of the transitional housing programs for former foster youth are to develop affordable apartments, transitional housing, and emergency shelters in Los Angeles County, in conjunction with support services to help youth become independent adults. In addition to housing, the programs offer job training, computer training, educational assistance, and other social services. Youth are allowed to stay in transitional housing up to two years. The housing units are located in LACDA developed properties as well as privately-owned houses and apartments.

Independent Living Program
The LACDA has partnered with LAHSA to work with community non-profit agencies to administer the housing portion of the Foster Care Independence Act (Independent Living Program). Through this program, over 166 new beds have been created. Additionally, through this program, youth are given assistance in locating and maintaining permanent housing. 

LACDA Transitional Housing Developments
The LACDA has also developed affordable housing units for former foster youth throughout Los Angeles County. Apartments for former foster youth are located in Westchester, East Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, Westwood, North Hills, San Gabriel Valley, and the unincorporated South Whittier communities.

Are you a youth interested in applying for transitional housing?
Detailed eligibility and information for former foster youth can be found at

For admissions information, contact Lynn Durham at DCFS, (213) 351-0190.

Are you an organization interested in developing transitional housing for former foster youth?
The LACDA does not currently have any funding opportunities for transitional housing for former foster youth. You may sign up to be a LACDA Vendor to be notified of future funding opportunities. Please click here to register as a LACDA Vendor.

We also suggest that you sign up with LAHSA to be notified of future funding opportunities at

Through the Affordable Housing Trust, the LACDA has assisted in the development of affordable housing units for people living with HIV/AIDS.
As part of the Special Needs Housing Alliance, the LACDA is part of a HIV Housing Collaborative to encourage coordination of housing-related resources and services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Los Angeles County. The mission of the HIV Housing Collaborative is to increase housing opportunities linked with services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Los Angeles County.
The LACDA has assisted in the development of over 500 affordable housing units for people with mental disabilities. The LACDA provides assistance to non-profit developers to build transitional and supportive housing for residents with mental illness. The housing developments range from shared living programs and assisted living to independent living with individual apartments. All of the projects offer a common space for other activities of daily living and/or supportive services. All residents receive supportive services from private mental health agencies or the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.
According to the Los Angeles Police Department, Domestic Violence is defined as abuse committed against a spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or a person with whom the suspect has had a child, or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.

For security reasons, the LACDA does not publish the addresses of Domestic Violence shelters. Persons seeking shelter should call:

Phone: (800) 978-3600

The LACDA has a strong commitment to helping people with special needs or disabilities by providing funding to developers and non-profit organizations to build special needs housing with supportive services. Funding is made available for the development of housing for the following special needs populations: persons with mental illness, persons living with HIV/AIDS, victims of domestic violence, transition age youth, persons with developmental disabilities, homeless households, and frequent users of County Department of Health Services or Department of Mental Health emergency services.

The LACDA operates the Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center, a web-based housing database that allows persons with physical disabilities find affordable rental housing with accessibility features. The database can be found at

Low-income homeowners with disabilities may be eligible for ADA-approved repairs or modifications to increase accessibility in their house. More information can be found under Home Improvement Programs.

The LACDA also works with other County Departments and agencies to share information, integrate resources, and coordinate efforts to assist lower-income persons with special needs. 

Additional information is available through these to partner agencies and organizations.

Developmentally Disabled
Department of Developmental Services

Domestic Violence
Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services

Emancipated Foster Youth
Department of Children and Family Services

The Los Angeles County Office of AIDS Programs and Policy (OAPP)

Homeless/Formerly Homeless 
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority  

Mentally Ill
Department of Mental Health

People with Disabilities 
Department of Public Social Services

Social Security 

Department of Public Social Services

Substance Use
Department of Health Services

Department of Public Social Services

Transitional Age Youth
Department of Children and Family Services

Department of Military and Veterans Affairs